Friday, August 15, 2008

I've been tagged - thank you Shelly Howe!

One of my "friends" tagged me for this fun little project. At first I thought I didn't have time for this, but I learned so much about others, I thought it was the least I could do! List 7 facts about yourself and then tag 7 people at the end of the post. Let your 7 tagged friends know by leaving them a comment on their blog!

1. I come from a family of 3 boys and 1 girl, my husband comes from a family of 3 boys and 1 girl. My husband and I have 3 boys and we think that's plenty for this nut house!

2. In 2000, I had half my thyroid removed because of a supposedly cancerous growth. The Doctor told me I would have a permanent smile on my neck for the rest of my life!

3. I love being a full-time Mom, working at Tim's architectural office, and serving as VP of the PTO at the boy's school. It keeps me out of trouble (sometimes!)

4. I love watching soccer, especially when its one of our boys. (I'm what you call a true soccer mom!) However, I love to play softball and walleyball.

5. I love the closeness and spirit of our church meeting, I hate to miss meeting. I wonder where I would be right now if we didn't have such great friends who really care?

6. When I was 16, my lung collapsed after spending a day hunting with Tim. I'll never forget the feeling of that tube being pushed thru my chest. It was supposed to be an overnight stay at the hospital, but because of a mistake, I ended up staying 5 days. (The orderly disconnected my tube when it wasn't the right time.)

7. My mother-in-law has terminal lung/bone/brain cancer. The experience has taught me so much about love, patience, and being ready. "Oh for the peace of a perfect trust."

I'll tag Sue, Holly, Deb, Stephanie, Jami, Mamie, and Jody.


Mark and Sue Noble said...

Great!!! This sounds like fun.... my trouble is I don't have 7 friends with blog spots. SO.... I will just full fill half of the project.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Linda, might take me awhile to think of 7 interesting facts though! Hope your well! holly

Shelly said...

I had fun reading your facts. BTW - I really think you should try one more time for a girl ;) We found out that we're having another boy !